The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (Hanfa) has launched a public consultation on the Alternative Investment Funds Act. The purpose of the consultation is to establish if there are any unwarranted legal and regulatory obstacles affecting business operations of alternative investment fund managers at the moment, and making additional room for investments in alternative investment funds.

Opinions and comments relating to the public consultation may be submitted through professional associations at the Croatian Chamber of Economy or individually.

The consultation closed on 12 March 2021.

The consultation consists of 31 questions in the below 10 categories:

  1. General part
  2. AIFM — scope of regulation and categories of AIFMs
  3. Closed-ended AIF with legal personality
  4. Acquisition, acting in concert, increase or disposal of a qualifying holding in an AIFM
  5. Establishing and managing AIFs
  6. Depositary
  7. Reports
  8. Loan-originating AIFs
  9. Ordinances adopted pursuant to the AIFA
  10. Other

The public consultation document is accessible here.

The template for the submission of comments is available here.

Click on the link for further information.