Multiple authorities submitted their response to the European Commission (EC) public consultation on the review of the MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory framework. The consultation period was extended to 18th May 2020 due to COVID-19.

Highlights – MiFID II/MiFIR Regulatory Framework Review

European Association of Co-operative Banks:

Implementation of the MiFID II/ MiFIR framework – Unsatisfied

MiFID II/ MiFIR has increased pre- and post- trade transparency for financial instruments in the EU – Partially

Barriers  – PRIIPS KID language option and Product governance rules

MiFID II/ MiFIR Requirements needs to be amended – PRIIPs KID obligation and Client classification

Association for Financial Markets in Europe

Implementation of the MiFID II/ MiFIR framework – Unsatisfied

MiFID II/ MiFIR has increased pre- and post- trade transparency for financial instruments in the EU – Partially

Barriers  – Share trading obligation, Client classification and Product governance

MiFID II/ MiFIR Requirements needs to be amended – Easier access to simple and transparent products

Federation of European Securities Exchanges

Implementation of the MiFID II/ MiFIR framework – Unsatisfied

MiFID II/ MiFIR has increased pre- and post- trade transparency for financial instruments in the EU – Not Really

Barriers  – Retail investors’ access to classic corporate or bank bonds is increasingly limited due to regulation. European retailers are not able to invest in about 50% of the corporate bonds market.