Tuesday October 13 2020
News Source: Fund Regulation
Focus: SFTR
Type: General
Country: European Union
The third phase of SFTR reporting has gone live. SFTR reporting obligations will apply to investment funds, pensions funds and (re-)insurance undertakings, who will join sell-side firms, CCPs and CSDs, who have already been reporting for 3 months. The first few months of SFTR reporting have certainly exceeded expectations with consistently high acceptance rates reported by the trade repositories. It is hoped that the buy-side firms that start reporting today can build on and replicate this success.
ICMA has been leading the implementation process for SFTR reporting of repos in a collaborative effort coordinated by the ERCC’s SFTR Task Force. The Task Force brings together around 700 individuals representing more than 150 firms, including most of the key players on the buy-side. It has also consulted with buy-side associations, in particular, the Investment Association in the UK.
Click on the link for further information.