The Financial Market Authority (FMA) has published guidance 2020/8 to explain the error messages during the validation of AIFMD reporting.
Alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) are obliged to submit regular reports for the AIFM itself and for each AIF managed by the AIFM. The submission of the reports must be made exclusively by uploading the XML file according to the XML structure specifications of ESMA. If information that does not comply with the rules is entered in the corresponding AIF and AIFM reports, the validation of the FMA and ESMA generates an automatic error message.
For a more detailed explanation of these error messages in the context of the AIF / AIFM reports according to Art. 107 AIFMG and as a supplement to the guidance on reporting obligations for AIF and AIFM , the FMA has published a list with the corresponding error codes and their background for the AIFM report and the AIF Report.