The CSSF has published the s MMF Reporting Dashboard which encompasses a first set of indicators based on the data reported under article 37 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 of the European parliament and of the Council on money market funds (“MMFR”), complemented where relevant with data from the CSSF U.1.1. reporting and from the Luxembourg Central Bank reporting.

Money market funds (MMFs) need to report on a quarterly basis, with data as from Q1/2020 onwards, under article 37 MMFR. A derogation is granted to MMFs whose assets under management in total do not exceed EUR 100 000 000 as they can report on a yearly basis. In this context, it can however be noted that the MMFs reporting on a quarterly basis represent ~99,5% of the aggregate total net assets.

Given that the reporting under article 37 of the MMFR has only been implemented since 2020, some data issues are still experienced and communications took place in this respect between the CSSF and the respective MMF managers to enhance data quality. This Dashboard presents a first set of data, the intention being to complement the next iteration of the Dashboard with additional data items upon further data quality assurance.

Click on the above link for further information.