On 23rd February 2021, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) announced that  the request for approval of a new sub-fund under an existing fund structure must be transmitted via one single new questionnaire. This specific application questionnaire will further standardise the information necessary for the examination of the application. This new questionnaire may be downloaded here below where you can also find additional explanations.

This enhanced process will permit the gathering of accurate data, information and documents required for the examination of the application through one single standardised questionnaire replacing the following four application questionnaires currently in use:

The new questionnaire further includes information in relation to:

The new questionnaire is applicable to UCIs subject to the Law of 17 December 2010, specialised investment funds subject to the Law of 13 February 2007 or to investment companies in risk capital governed by the Law of 15 June 2004.

One questionnaire must be completed for each sub-fund for which an approval is requested.

While this new questionnaire is introduced with immediate effect, filings using the former questionnaires will be accepted until 12 March 2021.

Click on the link for further information.